If you’re passionate about the future of good food and would like to be part of creating the landscape that you want, whether you’re a farmer, a grower, a retailer, a cook, a cafe or restaurant owner, food lover or simply someone who wants a healthy life, we’d like you to join up, link up or get involved in some way that works for you. We’re not trying to do it all, but we are trying to connect some of the many pieces of the jigsaw and play our part in shaping the future of the world we want to live in. To get in touch, just click on the graphic below -
If you’re passionate about the future of good food and would like to be part of creating the landscape that you want, whether you’re a farmer, a grower, a retailer, a cook, a cafe or restaurant owner, food lover or simply someone who wants a healthy life, we’d like you to join up, link up or get involved in some way that works for you. We’re not trying to do it all, but we are trying to connect some of the many pieces of the jigsaw and play our part in shaping the future of the world we want to live in. To get in touch, just click on the graphic below -